Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's the little things

In all the craziness that is life these days, it's really easy to focus on all the huge things happening and miss the small blessings that God brings, like a best friend. I've been acutely reminded of the importance of such a relationship the past couple of days. Who else can you completely be yourself with other than a best friend? She won't care if you eat raspberry sherbet straight out of the carton or still can't figure out how to cook rice right. She doesn't judge you when you need to watch Monsters, Inc. after a scary movie before you can sleep, or when you always have to have dessert after dinner. She has a crazy way of getting you to do a lot less homework, but still become better for it. She lets you watch college football all day long on Saturdays in the fall, and even digs out an old radio so you can listen to the Alabama game when Charter's on the blink again (even though she's an avid Auburn fan). She does crazy things like put on all the accessories she can grab in your room including a swim cap, or walk out on the porch in a towel wrap to check the weather. No matter the gravity of a situation, she can always find the joy in it, and has an uncanny ability to always make you laugh. She is so strong and independent, yet gracious in accepting help when she finally realizes she needs it and that you're not going to leave her alone until she takes it. She thinks tanning oil works as well as sunscreen and can't work an ironing board or a phonebook despite being a genius. She can work a map like a champ though, which will save your butt when you travel in Europe with her. She says all these off-the-wall sayings expecting you to know exactly what she's talking about ("know what I mean, Vern?") when I'm pretty sure she and her grandma are the only people in the world who know what they mean. Even though you know she's strong, she surprises you daily with the grace and elegance with which she accepts every trial that is thrown her way. You're both so much alike that it almost doesn't make sense that you could be best friends, yet you can't imagine being closer with anyone else. All you can do is sit back and praise the Lord that He shows us His love through best friends, and that He was gracious enough to give this one to you. You've already encountered and conquered many many adventures together, especially over the past 6 months, but apparently another 6 months are coming and thankfully, you get to face them together. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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